NORTH GREENE UNIT DISTRICT NO. 3                      

Administrative Education Center                                                                                                           Mark Scott, Superintendent

250 East Sherman Street                                                                                                                                    

White Hall IL  62092                                                                                                                                 Phone: 217-374-2842                                                                                                                              FAX.   217-374-2849



May 5, 2021


Dear Families, Colleagues, and Partners,


This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. On behalf of everyone at North Greene Unit District #3, I would like to express my deepest thanks and gratitude to our teachers for the work they do each and everyday to ensure the success of all of our students.

Our teachers provide high-quality instruction and support that our students need to graduate ready for college and/or a career. They deliver relevant teaching, instruction, and learning that is designed to keep our students engaged and on track.

We all know that our teachers do so much more than just teach. In partnership with administrators and staff, teachers serve as mentors and a vital part of the support system to meet the needs of the whole child.  Teachers collaborate with parents and caregivers to keep families informed and contribute to a school climate that makes each of our students feel safe and valued.

When schools closed last March, our teachers have also gone above and beyond to quickly learn and adapt to distance learning. Many of them have found creative and caring ways to stay connected to students, extending a culture of kindness and respect beyond our buildings and into our students’ homes. We know they have done so while also tending to their own children and families.

We can all look back and remember a great teacher who touched our lives. With that in mind, please be sure to thank our teachers and celebrate them this week and beyond.

With thanks and gratitude,


Mark Scott


North Greene Unit District #3