We will be setting up the North Greene JH Athletics and Activities Awards event over Zoom. We will separate them into two different evenings, so it is not such a large Zoom meeting, and to allow for more appropriate time constraints. We will use the following schedule and links:
- Wednesday 5/13/20 at 6:00PM
- JH Girls Basketball
- JH Volleyball
- 6th Grade Girls Basketball
- 6th Grade Boys Basketball
- Download Zoom on your phone or computer
- https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76213661930?pwd=d0xDMmxqQzBockNIMTcremoxNldpUT09
- Meeting ID: 762 1366 1930
- Password: 1gRAsi
- Thursday 5/14/20 at 6:00PM
- JH Boys Basketball
- JH Cheer
- JH Baseball
- Literary, Olympiad, Spelling Bee
- Download Zoom on your phone or computer
- https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79051522149?pwd=T0hBbUpCV0duZ2tzNnNLcWtwcUtkUT09
- Meeting ID: 790 5152 2149
- Password: 1rWK0W